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Kõmij- Mour Ijin/ Our Life is Here

Expedition to The Marshall Islands

On August 12th, 30 International, Oceanian and Marshallese artists, writers, scientists, and filmmakers will sail around the atolls of Ebeye, Wotho, Bikini, Rongelap.

These atolls, which exist only 6 feet above The Pacific Ocean, are on the frontline on all of our fears about the climate crisis. The resilience and creativity of the Marshallese people are an inspiration to us all as they sustain their 3000 year old culture. On route, the team will spend 6 days on the Bikini atoll, witnessing the scars left behind by the 24 nuclear bombs exploded by the USA. Bikini has to be the most existentially-threatened land mass on Earth. 

The expedition is led by Climate Envoy and Poet Kathy Jetñil- Kijiner, US Artist and Ocean Activist Michael Light, and Cape Farewell Director David Buckland.

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