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Symbiosis in Harmony

by Paola Peña Paras

The objective of the narrative that I am going to develop is my personal perspective regarding the symbiosis of our planet; the direct relation of an imbalance in the planet as a consequence of the imbalance that we live as human beings when we do not feel part of a whole. If I am not in balance as an individual, how can the life around me be in balance.

Symbiosis is the intimate association of organisms of different species to mutually benefit each other in their vital development. However, symbiosis is not always mutually beneficial, or collaborative as it should be on this planet we live in, where all organisms are part of an ecosystem, to work together for the harmony of the planet. Many organisms, such as human beings, selfishly promote their own fitness by manipulating other organisms on the planet without caring about the consequences that such manipulation may have on the rest of their ecosystems.

It is here where we can explore the evolution of the human being through history and its transcendence, so that the more we develop as a species with its different elements, the more disconnected we become with the environment that gives us life and with ourselves. Without pausing to reflect on where our impulses and actions come from. We seek the comfort and convenience of life without questioning the environmental consequences and repercussions that are intrinsic to every action.

Human beings abuse their power by imposing themselves as the priority organism over the rest of the organisms, making their satisfaction, comfort and disdain more relevant. There is an intrinsic correlation in why human beings opt for these measures to satisfy ourselves above all other things. It is because we live in imbalance with ourselves, in constant insecurity, dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction with the way we live.

We live in a symbiotic and transversal universe, where the universal laws that define our planet are lived at the same time within the organisms that conform it, we are connected with our environment, but we feel separated from it. And it is in this disconnection with ourselves and the intent of our actions that our well-being and the well-being of the planet is directly affected.

We are intrinsically connected to absolutely everything around us, and that is why if we experience an imbalance in any of the components of the environment, this will be reflected in all its organisms in a correlated manner.

It is high time and, in fact, we are already somewhat late to understand that human beings and nature are one and the same. Because the balance of the Earth depends on this, on the relationship between these elements full of life, on the natural symbiosis and our respect for it.

It is time to seek balance in ourselves to live in harmonious symbiosis with our environment.