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Workshopleiter*innen der Sommeruniversität

#SUI16 | Wir stellen vor: David Donschen

Israel, Jerusalem

Israel, Jerusalem

Freier Journalist, Berlin

Bringing the topic “sustainability” into journalism is very difficult. I am working as a local reporter in Berlin. This means I have to think about which topics are close to the everyday life of the people. A topic like “Climate change” for example is too big and too complex and nothing which most people are thinking about every day.

On the other hand local journalism is perfect for explaining what the results of global warming could be. You can pick up the people “at their front door” to show them what climate change precisely means for their city, region or a country.

Instead of scientists we will become acoustic storytellers. We will figure out how we can tell the story of “Climate change” in an audio in a way which touches the listeners.


Examples of the last years

Audio spots Welcome to Malchin, created in the workshop #SUI15

Audio drama We are the players, not the cards, created in the workshop #SUI14.


Audio drama Dripping point: WhATER you talking about?, created in the workshop #SUI13.


My journalistic work:


Twitter @DDonschen